Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What does it mean to you to be an educator in the digital age?

Time again to blog away...Today's topic is, "What does it mean to me to be an educator in the digital age?"  As a teacher who is almost 60, I feel like I am peddling as fast as I can to stay up with all the technology. I realize my students are being bombarded with the same opportunities I am and if I am going to be considered as a credible educator by my students, I am going to have to acquire and maintain new technological skills. My students' interests involve technology, therefore it only makes sense for me to involve technology in teaching required subject matter through a medium they enjoy using.  I need to be savvy about wrapping common core standards within applications, allowing my students to be creative and interactive. This is the challenge.

I don't need to know it students will teach me.  That's the fabulous part of teaching in the digital age.  I know my students are engaged when they stop what they are doing and share some new facts about something they are researching.  Or they get excited about the Google slide presentation they completed and are willing to share with the class.  

I know that if I was a student today, (and I guess I am still a student, just an older one), I would be excited to learn and use as many applications as I could.  There are so many opportunities and outlets for young people today!  I grew up in an age of manual typewriters and slide rules!  Thank goodness for advancements in technology.

Check out the ISTE Standards
For Teachers:
For Students:

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