The International Society for Technology in Education, (ISTE), provides a set of standards and performance indicators for teachers to build into their daily teaching routines. The overall purpose of standard two is to challenge teachers to utilize technology in their presentation of information and assessment, as well as giving students an opportunity to creatively develop projects, learn to research effectively, and incorporate the research into a meaningful medium to share with others.
There are three sub-sections of standard two that I will focus on:
B) Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
C) Customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
D) Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
This is the first year where I have been able to use Google and all of its applications, therefore I am just a beginner when it comes to using standard two effectively. Of the three subsections, I would say, sub-section 2D is my strongest. I assign a variety of assignments to my students using Google Slides and Google Docs. Students learn to share their document with me where they can present it to the class on the Smart Board, and I can give them on going feedback on their progress. I develop vocabulary quizzes and reading comprehension questions through Google Forms. I have just added Flubaroo to my repertoire of digital tools to grade my multiple choice assessments. Students use programs such as Khan Academy and Odysseyware for independent study work. Both these programs are common core friendly and give students quick feedback on their progress. Our PLC has developed math assessments where we use Illuminate to grade and track progress.
Sub-section 2C would be my next area of strength. Most of my assignments are made with the diverse learning needs of all my students. Sometimes I do have students are off the charts, either extremely low or high. Most of them function between the 4th and 8th grade levels of math and reading comprehension. Having assignments where students can type rather than write is a confidence builder for most students, plus it is easier for me to read and grade. When a student finishes his or her regular classroom assignment, they can access on-line learning programs, allowing a more directed independent-study experience, while the rest of the class finishes. Technology has helped give extra time for students who need it.
The least skilled area for me is sub-section 2B. First of all, the environment where I work does not allow students to pursue their own "individual curiosities," because of the restrictions of probation. This year they have much more freedom than in previous years since our server has been pulled under the school district umbrella and the firewall allows students to reasonably browse in Google. This area is a tricky subject, and I don't want to seem pessimistic about my student population. In general, my students are very limited by their own lack of educational experience. To help my students complete assignments, I have to restrict their options rather than increase them because if they have too many choices they get overwhelmed. They tend to lack ability to pare down and prioritize information.
I think that I am on the right path as far as strengthening my skills in using technology in the classroom I try to take advantage of opportunities such as this class where I can get exposure to new methodology. I don't have a lot of time to explore the net and try new programs on my own. Therefore I depend on what others are doing and their success with the program. I think this is an accurate assessment of where I was before completing this module. My goal for technology is related to my own personal knowledge of digital tools and passing that knowledge on to my students. The ways it might be different is the awareness of the standards and with awareness comes ideas of how I can be more effective in the classroom.
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