With all good intentions, I set out the summer full of ideas and ready to implement all of the new things I learned when I attended the Shift and DALLA conferences. Then, I took a 9000 mile trip across the United States and of course, overwhelmed with new sites and ideas. Since then I have been in recovery and unable to get back on track with Twitter, Google, Badger, Blogging, etc. Needless to say, I learned so many things during the conference, I just need to immerse myself once more and get back into the swing of things.
During the conferences, there were so many new ideas, and energetic people who demonstrated various levels of experience and excitement about the ongoing tidal wave of new technology and applications. I find myself looking, shopping literally for the perfect fit for my classroom and students. The computers have been on hiatus during for most of the summer because of some negative behavior while I was vacation, but we will be starting up again in the next week.
So far, I have developed my own grade tracking Google Sheets program and have shared that with the other teachers in my PLC. For me, my classroom is a revolving door and it is difficult to track my students work, credits, and grades across the year accurately. By using Google Sheets, I am able to give each student their own grade sheet, and even if they come in for a week in the fall, then return at the end of semester, I am still able to keep an accurate count of their credits, as well as the assignments they finished. Sharing the document is easy as well, allowing other teachers who may have the same student to see what the student has completed.